Identify Trends in Turnover

Turnover rates are a crucial metric for businesses to monitor, as they can signal potential issues with employee satisfaction and engagement. Analyze turnover rates by department, gender, age, reporting manager, and years of service. Gain a quick overview of total turnover and average monthly turnover.

Identify Trends in Turnover

Employee Count Report

Get a clear picture of your staffing levels with employee headcount reports. Quickly access employee headcount reports for each month and track the year-to-date increase in count. This valuable information can be used to formulate strategies for growth, expansion, or downsizing.

Employee Count Report

Identify Talent Gaps and Recruitment Needs

Closely monitor employee addition and termination reports to accurately assess your company's staffing needs and identify potential issues at the earliest possible stage. You can view all the addition and termination details of your employees combined or individually.

Identify Talent Gaps and Recruitment Needs

Leave Balance History

Conveniently view your accrual and balance history with detailed dates. Effortlessly access your team's leave balances with Zenyo's user-friendly leave balance reports.

Leave Balance History

Payroll Hours

Easily access detailed employee timesheet reports, showcasing hours worked on a daily basis. You can review project time breakdowns, with weekly insights into time allocation for each project. Also, Zenyo Payroll's integration with Zenyo Workforce simplifies your HR management tasks.

Payroll Hours

Make Use of Zenyo's Custom Report Builder

Zenyo empowers you to build customized employee reports in no time, saving you valuable time and effort. Easily tailor reports to specific employees by selecting relevant categories from a comprehensive list of details. Filter and view the generated reports based on your preferences to gain the insights you need.

Make Use of Zenyo's Custom Report Builder

Share Insights

Once you've gained valuable insights from your reports, you can easily share them with your team for further review or analysis. Zenyo Workforce's reporting tool allows you to export reports in Excel or PDF and share them as individual reports. You can also create groups and add relevant reports to share them with specific team members.

Share Insights

How Reports Can Help You

Have a clear picture

Create a detailed checklist of tasks necessary to effectively offboard departing employees, taking into account their current responsibilities and roles.

Report Sharing

Begin the employee offboarding process by assigning tasks. Prioritize the prepared tasks and rank them for importance and urgency.

Planning and strategy

Based on the insights gained from these reports, you can develop and implement HR strategies that align with the organization's overall business goals.

Improved Understanding Gained
Through Reports

Accurate payroll calculations

Zenyo Payroll effortlessly integrates with Zenyo Workforce, simplifying access to detailed employee timesheet reports for quick payroll calculations.

Minimize staff exits

Enhance employee retention in your organization by examining turnover patterns and implementing strategies to improve employee satisfaction and engagement.

Pass on reports easily

Export reports and share them individually, or organize groups to include relevant reports for targeted sharing with specific team members.

Meet staffing demands

Spot potential concerns related to staffing shortages or surpluses by reviewing the collective or individual details of employee additions and terminations.

Get the insights you need to
build a high-performing workforce