Improved Project Visibility

Get more visibility by linking tasks, clients, and vendors details to projects to track progress and manage resources efficiently. This enables teams to collaboratively understand and contribute to the project's goals, preventing overlaps and promoting a shared understanding of the project's scope.

Improved Project Visibility

Smooth Document Integration

Zenyo Workforce makes project management easier by connecting documents directly to projects, which saves time, makes it easy to find information, and helps you use your resources more effectively to get projects done faster.

Smooth Document Integration

Fill in Project Info with Ease

Adding employees to specific projects automatically updates their timesheets. Employees can see all of their assigned projects in their timesheets, and this eliminates the need to switch between different systems or track down project information.

Fill in Project Info with Ease

Keep Tabs on Your Projects

See who's working on what, when, and where with Zenyo Workforce's project management. You can easily add or delete the number of employees, start and end dates, descriptions, statuses, and additional task information for your entire project.

Keep Tabs on Your Projects

Making Your Project Work

Create projects
Create projects

Make projects regardless of whether they are internal, client, or vendor projects. You can add or remove employees or tasks from the assigned projects.

Linking projects
Linking projects

You can link client and vendor projects with placement details and designate specific client projects to the relevant SOW.

Create reminders
Create reminders

You can create project reminders that notify you of upcoming due dates.

Manage status
Manage status

Place a project or placement in an inactive state upon your own accord, or when it is on hold.

Benefits of Well-Executed
Project Management

Simplify project updates

Easily change your project details by adding or removing information.

Easily accessible documents

Keep your project documents organized and easily accessible by adding all related documents to your project.

Sheet updates without hassle

Project assignments are automatically added to employees' timesheets as they are assigned.

Improved resource allocation

By tracking who is working on what, project managers can effectively allocate resources based on individual skills and expertise, ensuring optimal utilization of the team's strengths.

Turn your project dreams into reality
with Zenyo Workforce project management