Expense Tracking Without Borders

Expense management that goes the extra mile, even when your employees are traveling the world. Zenyo Workforce makes it easy for employees to track their expenses in any currency, so they can be claimed accurately and in full, no matter where they are working.

Expense Tracking

Expense Approval, Your Way

Configure the expense approval process to allow for either single-level or multi-level approval. Zenyo Workforce allows you to set expense approvers and customize the approval process to fit your specific needs.

Expense Approval

The Easy Way to Manage

The all-in-one reimbursement solution makes it easy to manage reimbursements for individual employees from your company or your clients. With Zenyo Workforce, you can say goodbye to manual processes and errors and focus on what's important.

Easy Way to Manage

Figuring out Expense Management

Submitting Expenses
Submitting Expenses

Employees can easily submit their expense reports or bills through the secure ESS portal by attaching relevant documentation.

Approving Expense
Approving Expense

Based on your assessment, you can approve or reject them. You can also establish a clear approval workflow and designate specific approvers for timely review and approval.

Amount Deduction
Sponsored Amount Deduction

Deduct the sponsored amount from the employee's paycheck to maintain accurate financial records and eliminate any errors.

Rewards that Reshape Your
Expense Management

Choose the approval workflow
Choose the approval workflow that works best

You can allocate expense approvers and customize approval process levels to suit your specific needs.

Sponsor with confidence
Sponsor with confidence

You can deduct the immigration expenses from employees' salaries for sponsoring them.

Currency-accurate expense management

Tracking expenses in any currency will be a significant advantage for you when dealing with employees who travel internationally.

Reimbursement is quick and easy
Reimbursement is quick and easy

Whether the employees are part of your company or affiliated with your clients, you can provide a smooth reimbursement process.

Financial Fitness
starts with Expense Management