ESS Request

The self-service portal can provide a central location for employees to submit and track their requests. They can do it instantly. Let the employees manage their requests through an employee self-service portal.

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Assign Request Types

Request types can be created and assigned to employees. You can review the request and decide whether to accept or reject it. You can add comments to requests to provide additional information or communicate with the employee.

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Organizing Files

Keep your files organized and accessible by creating folders. You can even create a nested folder structure to organize your files. Share, email, or download these files with specific people and choose whether they can edit or read them. You can choose who all have access to these files when you share.

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The Process of ESS Implementation

Create request types

Evaluate employee requirements and create corresponding request types.

Document management

You can structure your files effectively and define access and editing permissions to ensure secure collaboration and protect sensitive documents.

Easy submissions

Employees can select the relevant request types from the list and submit them.

Values of Employee Self-Service

Transparency in the workplace

Enhance transparency and accountability within your company by allowing employees to independently address their issues through employee self service request forms.

Reduce administrative burdens

Employees can track their request status to stay informed about progress, freeing up HR personnel to focus on more strategic tasks.

Maintain active engagement

Schedule alerts in advance to save time and avoid the stress of having to remember them at the last minute.

Effortless document collection

Employees can easily upload their relevant documents, saving you time and effort in collecting them.

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